Source code for cogs.admin

"""This cog provides administrative commands to Discord users with elevated privileges."""
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

from utils import checks, quickembed
from utils.fjclasses import DiscordUser

[docs]class Admin(commands.Cog): """The Admin cog class.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(name='update-prefix', hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def update_guild_prefix(self, ctx, prefix): """Updates the command prefix for the Discord server. .. Note:: Requires `administrator` privilege. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param prefix: The command prefix to update to. """ user = DiscordUser( if len(prefix) > 3: embed = quickembed.error( desc='Prefix can not be longer than 3 characters', user=user ) else: user.update_guild_info(ctx.guild, prefix) stored_prefix = user.guild_info(['prefix'] if prefix == stored_prefix: embed = quickembed.success( desc='Prefix updated to **{}**'.format(stored_prefix), user=user, ) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='Failed to update prefix', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='clear', hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def delete_messages(self, ctx, limit: int = 1): """Deletes the latest messages in the channel. The invoking message is deleted. .. Note:: Requires `administrator` privilege. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param limit: The number of messages to delete. Default is 1. """ await ctx.message.delete() await @commands.command(name='say', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def repeat_message(self, ctx, *, msg: str): """Repeats the message as the bot. The invoking message is deleted. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param msg: The message the bot will repeat. """ await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command(name='spam', hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @checks.is_registered() async def delete_spam_messages(self, ctx): """Deletes duplicate messages in the channel. .. Note:: Messages are checked per author. The original message will remain. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ msgs = [] spam = [] async for msg in c = str( + msg.content if c in msgs: spam.append(msg) else: msgs.append(c) spam.append(ctx.message) await if len(spam) > 1: embed = '```Deleted {} spam messages```'.format(len(spam)), DiscordUser(, ) @commands.command(name='playing', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def update_presence_playing(self, ctx, *, name=None): """Updates the bot's status to `playing`. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param name: The name of the activity. """ activity = discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.playing, name=name) await @commands.command(name='streaming', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def update_presence_streaming(self, ctx, url: str = None, *, name=None): """Updates the bot's status to `streaming`. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param url: The URL to the stream. :param name: The name of the stream. """ activity = discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.streaming, name=name, url=url ) await @commands.command(name='watching', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def update_presence_watching(self, ctx, *, name=None): """Updates the bot's status to `watching`. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param name: The name of activity. """ activity = discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=name) await @commands.command(name='listening', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() async def update_presence_listening(self, ctx, *, name=None): """Updates the bot's status to `listening`. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param name: The name of activity. """ activity = discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name=name) await @commands.command(name='add-command', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() @checks.is_registered() async def add_discord_command(self, ctx, command, *, response): """Inserts a quick chatroom command. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param command: The command name to add. :param response: The response for the command. """ user = DiscordUser( command = '!{}'.format(command.strip('!')) res = user.add_chatroom_command(command, response) if res['success']: embed = quickembed.success( desc='Command `{}` updated'.format(command), user=user ) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='Failed', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='update-command', hidden=True) @commands.is_owner() @checks.is_registered() async def update_discord_command(self, ctx, command, *, response): """Updates a quick chatroom command. .. Note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param command: The command name to update. :param response: The updated response for the command. """ user = DiscordUser( command = '!{}'.format(command.strip('!')) res = user.update_chatroom_command(command, response) if res['success']: embed = quickembed.success( desc='Command `{}` updated'.format(command), user=user ) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='Failed', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='mute', hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @checks.is_registered() async def mute_member(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): """Mutes a member by assigning them the `Muted` role. .. Note:: Requires `Manage Roles` privilege. .. Note:: A `Muted` role must exist with the proper permissions. It's a simple role that can only read the channels and not send messages. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param member: """ user = DiscordUser( role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == 'Muted', ctx.guild.roles) if not role: embed = quickembed.error(desc='`Muted` role does not exist', user=user) elif role not in member.roles: await member.add_roles(role) embed = quickembed.success(desc='Muted {}'.format(member), user=user) else: embed = quickembed.error( desc='{} is already muted'.format(member), user=user ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='unmute', hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @checks.is_registered() async def unmute_member(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): """Unmutes a member by removing their `Muted` role. .. Note:: Requires `Manage Roles` privilege. .. Note:: A `Muted` role must exist with the proper permissions. It's a simple role that can only read the channels and not send messages. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param member: """ user = DiscordUser( role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == 'Muted', ctx.guild.roles) if not role: embed = quickembed.error(desc='`Muted` role does not exist', user=user) elif role in member.roles: await member.remove_roles(role) embed = quickembed.success(desc='Unmuted {}'.format(member), user=user) else: embed = quickembed.error( desc='{} is already unmuted'.format(member), user=user ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot): """Required for cogs. :param bot: The Discord bot. """ bot.add_cog(Admin(bot))