Source code for cogs.matches

"""This cog allows users to interact with their `Matches <>`_ account."""
import logging

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

from utils import checks, quickembed
from utils.fjclasses import DiscordUser, Match, Superstar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Matches(commands.Cog): """The Matches cog class.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(name='current-match', aliases=['currentmatch']) async def current_match_info(self, ctx): """Display details for the current `Match`. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( rows = user.search_match_by_current() if rows: embed = Match(rows[0].id).info_embed() else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='No match found', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='last-match', aliases=['lastmatch']) async def recent_match_info(self, ctx): """Displays details for the last completed `Match`. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( rows = user.search_match_by_recent_completed() if rows: embed = Match(rows[0].id).info_embed() else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='No match found', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='events', aliases=['ppv']) async def upcoming_events(self, ctx): """Displays a list of upcoming PPV events in order. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( ppvs = user.future_events(ppv_check=1) embed ='Upcoming Events (PT)', user=user) embed.add_field( name='\u200b', value='\n'.join( ['{} - **{}**'.format(e['date_time'], e['name']) for e in ppvs] ), ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='info', aliases=['bio', 'superstar', 'lookup']) async def superstar_info(self, ctx, *, name): """Displays the `Superstar`'s information. .. Note: If the `name` matches multiple `Superstar`s, a list of the matching `Superstar`s is presented. The requester would then have to select one of the options available. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param name: The name of the `Superstar`. """ user = DiscordUser( superstar_list = user.search_superstar_by_name(name) if not superstar_list: embed = quickembed.error( desc="Unable to find Superstars matching '{}'".format(name), user=user ) else: if len(superstar_list) > 1: msg = 'Select Superstar from List ...\n```' for i, e in enumerate(superstar_list): msg = msg + '{}. {}\n'.format(i + 1, msg = msg + '```' await ctx.send(embed=quickembed.question(desc=msg, user=user)) response = await 'message', check=checks.is_number(, timeout=15.0 ) try: index = int(response.content) embed = Superstar(superstar_list[index - 1].id).info_embed() except (ValueError, IndexError): embed = quickembed.error(desc='Invalid index', user=user) else: embed = Superstar(superstar_list[0].id).info_embed() await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='birthdays') async def superstar_birthdays(self, ctx): """Display a list of upcoming `Superstar` birthdays. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( bdays = user.superstar_birthday_upcoming() embed ='Upcoming Birthdays', user=user) embed.add_field( name='\u200b', value='{}'.format( '\n'.join(['[{}] - {}'.format(b['dob'], b['name']) for b in bdays]) ), ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='leaderboard1', aliases=['top1']) async def leaderboard_season1(self, ctx): """Displays the leaderboard for Season 1. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( lb = user.leaderboard(season=1) embed = discord.Embed(description='Season 1', color=0x0080FF) embed.set_author( name='Leaderboard', url='',, ) lb = [ '{}. {} ({:,})'.format(i + 1, l['username'], l['total_points']) for i, l in enumerate(lb[:10]) ] embed.add_field( name='\u200b', value='\n'.join(lb) if lb else 'Nothing found', inline=True ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='leaderboard2', aliases=['top2']) async def leaderboard_season2(self, ctx): """Displays the leaderboard for Season 2. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( lb = user.leaderboard(season=2) embed = discord.Embed(description='Season 2', color=0x0080FF) embed.set_author( name='Leaderboard', url='',, ) lb = [ '{}. {} ({:,})'.format(i + 1, l['username'], l['total_points']) for i, l in enumerate(lb[:10]) ] embed.add_field( name='\u200b', value='\n'.join(lb) if lb else 'Nothing found', inline=True ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='leaderboard3', aliases=['top', 'leaderboard', 'top3']) async def leaderboard_season3(self, ctx): """Displays the leaderboard for Season 3. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( lb = user.leaderboard(season=3) embed = discord.Embed(description='Season 3', color=0x0080FF) embed.set_author( name='Leaderboard', url='',, ) lb = [ '{}. {} ({:,})'.format(i + 1, l['username'], l['total_points']) for i, l in enumerate(lb[:10]) ] embed.add_field( name='\u200b', value='\n'.join(lb) if lb else 'Nothing found', inline=True ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='titles', aliases=['champions', 'champs'], enabled=False) async def current_champions(self, ctx): """TODO: Displays the current list of `Superstar`s with titles. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ pass @commands.command(name='rumble', aliases=['royalrumble']) async def royalrumble_info(self, ctx): """Provides a quick login link to the Matches website's Royal Rumble page through DM. .. Note: The hyperlink can only be used once and within a short time frame before it expires. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ # response = user.royalrumble_info() # TODO: check if available to enter user = DiscordUser( link = user.request_login_link() link = link.replace('projects/matches?', 'projects/matches/royalrumble?') msg = 'Join the rumble here! (link expires in 5 minutes)\n<{}>'.format(link) await, user=user)) embed = quickembed.success(user=user, desc='Rumble link DMed ;)') await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='joinrumble', enabled=False) @checks.is_registered() async def user_join_royalrumble(self, ctx): """TODO: Enters the user into the current Royal Rumble event by providing them an entry number. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( response = user.join_royalrumble() if response['success']: embed = quickembed.success( desc='Entry Number: `{}`'.format(response['message']), user=user ) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc=response['message'], user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='stats3', aliases=['stats', 'bal', 'points', 'profile']) @checks.is_registered() async def user_stats_season3(self, ctx): """Displays the user's stats for Season 3. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ await ctx.send(embed=DiscordUser( @commands.command(name='stats2', aliases=['points2', 'bal2']) @checks.is_registered() async def user_stats_season2(self, ctx): """Displays the user's stats for Season 2. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ await ctx.send(embed=DiscordUser( @commands.command(name='stats1', aliases=['points1', 'bal1']) @checks.is_registered() async def user_stats_season1(self, ctx): """Displays the user's stats for Season 1. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ await ctx.send(embed=DiscordUser( @commands.command(name='bets', aliases=['mybets', 'my-bets']) @checks.is_registered() async def user_current_bets(self, ctx): """Displays the user's current bets for `Match`es. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( bets = user.current_bets() if bets: msg = "```{}```".format( '\n'.join( [ 'Match {}\n\t{:,} points on {}\n\t' 'Potential Winnings: {:,} ({}%)'.format( bet['match_id'], bet['points'], bet['contestants'], bet['potential_cut_points'], bet['potential_cut_pct'] * 100, ) for bet in bets ] ) ) embed = quickembed.general(desc='Current Bets', user=user) embed.add_field(name='\u200b', value=msg, inline=False) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc='No current bets placed', user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='match', aliases=['match-info']) async def match_info(self, ctx, match_id=None): """Display info the `Match`. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param match_id: The `Match` id. """ user = DiscordUser( try: match_id = int(match_id) except Exception as e: match_id = None logger.debug('match_info: {}'.format(e)) msg = 'Invalid `!match` command\n`!match [match_id]`' await ctx.send(embed=quickembed.error(desc=msg, user=user)) if match_id: rows = user.search_match_by_id(match_id) if rows: await ctx.send(embed=Match(rows[0].id).info_embed()) else: await ctx.send( embed=quickembed.error( desc='Match `{}` not found'.format(match_id), user=user ) ) @commands.command(name='matches', aliases=['open-mmatches']) @commands.cooldown(1, 60.0, commands.BucketType.user) async def open_matches(self, ctx): """Lists the available `Match`es to bet on. .. Note: If the number of available `Match`es exceeds 5, they will be displayed with their `short view`. If it does not exceed 5, their full details will be displayed as individual messages. :param ctx: The invocation context. """ user = DiscordUser( rows = user.search_match_by_open_bets() if len(rows) > 5: embed ='Short View - Use `!match [id]` for full view') embed.set_author(name='Open Bet Matches') for row in rows: match = Match( embed.add_field( name='[Match {}]'.format(, value='{}'.format(match.info_text_short()), inline=True, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) elif len(rows) > 0: for row in rows: await ctx.send(embed=Match( else: await ctx.send( embed=quickembed.error(desc='No open bet matches available', user=user) ) @commands.command(name='bet', aliases=['placebet']) @checks.is_registered() async def place_match_bet(self, ctx, *args): """Places a `Match` bet. .. Note: A bet requires: * The `bet amount` * The `match_id` * The `team` The user can provide them sequentially: !bet [bet_amount] [match_id] [team] Or they can insert a `Superstar`'s name (`Match` contestant): !bet [bet_amount] [contestant] The `match_id` and `team` is found by cross-referencing the `Superstar` name with open-bet `Match` contestants. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param args: Must be either `[bet_amount] [match_id] [team]` or `[bet_amount] [contestant]` """ user = DiscordUser( bet = None match_id = None team = None superstar_name = None try: bet = int(args[0].replace(',', '')) if len(args) == 3 and args[1].isdigit() and args[2].isdigit(): match_id = int(args[1]) team = int(args[2]) elif len(args) > 1: superstar_name = ' '.join(args[1:]) rows = user.search_match_by_open_bets_and_superstar_name(superstar_name) match_id = rows[0].id if rows else False # use first match found if not match_id: embed = quickembed.error( desc='Unable to find an open match for contestant `{}`'.format( superstar_name ), user=user, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return else: raise except Exception as e: logger.debug('place_match_bet: {}'.format(e)) msg = ( 'Invalid `!bet` command\n' '`!bet [bet_amount] [contestant]`\n' '`!bet [bet_amount] [match_id] [team]`' ) await ctx.send(embed=quickembed.error(desc=msg, user=user)) return match = Match(match_id) if not team and superstar_name: team = match.team_by_contestant(superstar_name) response = user.validate_bet(match_id, team, bet) if response['success']: question_embed = quickembed.question( desc='[Y/N] Place this bet?', user=user ) question_embed.add_field( name='Info', value=match.info_text_short(), inline=False ) question_embed.add_field( name='Betting', value='{:,}'.format(bet), inline=True ) question_embed.add_field( name='Betting On', value=match.teams[team]['members'], inline=True ) await ctx.send(embed=question_embed) confirm = await 'message', check=checks.confirm(, timeout=15.0 ) confirm.content = confirm.content.upper() if confirm.content == 'Y': response = user.place_bet(match_id, team, bet) if response['success']: msg = 'Placed `{:,}` point bet on `{}`'.format( bet, match.teams[team]['members'] ) embed = quickembed.success(desc=msg, user=user) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc=response['message'], user=user) elif confirm.content == 'N': embed = quickembed.error(desc='Bet cancelled', user=user) else: embed = quickembed.error(desc=response['message'], user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='rate', aliases=['rate-match', 'match-rate']) @checks.is_registered() async def rate_match(self, ctx, *args): """Adds a 0-5 star rating to a `Match`. .. Note: If no `match_id` is provided, the rating will be added to the most recently closed `Match`. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param args: Must be either `[rating]` or `[match_id] [rating]`. Rating must be between 0-5. :return: """ user = DiscordUser( try: if len(args) == 1: match_id = None rating = float(args[0]) else: match_id = int(args[0]) rating = float(args[1]) except Exception: msg = ( 'Invalid `!rate` command\n' '`!rate [rating]` (rates last match)\n' '`!rate [match_id] [rating]`' ) embed = quickembed.error(desc=msg, user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return if not match_id: rows = user.search_match_by_recent_completed() if not rows: msg = 'No current match set to rate' embed = quickembed.error(desc=msg, user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return match_id = rows[0].id response = user.rate_match(match_id, rating) if response['success']: match = Match(match_id) stars = '' for i in range(1, 6): if rating >= i: stars += '★' else: stars += '☆' msg = 'Rated `Match {}` {} ({})\n{}'.format( match_id, stars, rating, match.info_text_short() ) embed = quickembed.success(desc=msg, user=user) else: msg = response['message'] embed = quickembed.error(desc=msg, user=user) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot): """Required for cogs. :param bot: The Discord bot. """ bot.add_cog(Matches(bot))