Source code for cogs.twitter

"""This cog communicates with Twitter."""
import asyncio
import datetime
import logging

import tweepy
from discord.ext import commands

import config
from utils import checks, quickembed
from utils.fjclasses import DbHelper, DiscordUser, Superstar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Twitter(commands.Cog): """The Twitter cog class.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( config.twitter['consumer_key'], config.twitter['consumer_secret'] ) self.auth.set_access_token( config.twitter['access_token'], config.twitter['access_token_secret'] ) self.twitter = tweepy.API(self.auth)'START TwitterBot `{}`'.format( # # def __unload(self): pass
[docs] def latest_tweets(self, twitter_id, count=1): """Fetches the latest tweets from a Twitter user's timeline. :param twitter_id: The Twitter account's id to get the timeline from. :param count: The amount of tweets to get from the timeline. Default is 1. :return: A list of tweets. """ return self.twitter.user_timeline(id=twitter_id, count=count, include_rts=False)
[docs] def live_tweet(self, msg): """Tweets out a message. :param msg: The message to tweet out. :return: A hyperlink to the tweet after it's posted. """ status = self.twitter.update_status(msg) link = '{}/status/{}'.format( status.user.screen_name, ) return link
[docs] async def tweet_log(self, message): """Sends a message to a Discord channel. .. important:: The channel the message is sent to is defined in :mod:`config`. Modify where appropriate for your own Discord server. :param message: """ channel =['channel']['twitter']) await channel.send(message)
[docs] class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): """A streaming class that listens to live Twitter activity. .. important:: This is a work in progress. Twitter has updated their API and Tweepy support hasn't caught up. """
[docs] def on_data(self, data): """Called when a Twitter activity occurs. :param data: The Twitter activity. :return: `True` by default. """ print(data) return True
[docs] def on_error(self, status): """Called when a general error occurs. :param status: The error status. """ print(status)
[docs] async def stream_test(self): """Testing the listener.""" await listener = self.MyStreamListener() self.myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth=self.auth, listener=listener) self.myStream.filter(track=['jesse'], is_async=True) print('end stream_test')
[docs] async def superstar_birthday_task(self): """Sends our a Tweet when it is a `Superstars` birthday.""" await while not events = [] dt = timer = ( ((24 - dt.hour - 1) * 60 * 60) + ((60 - dt.minute - 1) * 60) + (60 - dt.second) ) for s in DbHelper().superstar_birthday_upcoming(): if not s['twitter_name']: continue s['dt'] = datetime.datetime(dt.year, s['dob'].month, s['dob'].day) if s['dt'] > dt: if events and events[0]['dt'] != s['dt']: break events.append(s) timer = (events[0]['dt'] - dt).total_seconds() 'birthday_schedule_task: sleep_until:{}, event:{}'.format( dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timer), ','.join(e['twitter_name'] for e in events), ) ) await asyncio.sleep(timer) if events: tweet_link = self.live_tweet( 'Happy Birthday, {}! #BDAY\n- Sent from everyone ' 'at #discord #fjbot'.format( ', '.join(e['twitter_name'] for e in events) ) ) channel =['channel']['twitter']) await channel.send(tweet_link)'END birthday_schedule_task')
@commands.command(name='send-tweet', aliases=['tweet-send']) @commands.is_owner() async def send_tweet(self, ctx, *, message: str): """Sends outs a tweet and posts a link of it to the channel. .. note:: Only the bot owner can use this. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param message: The message for the tweet. """ await ctx.send('Send Tweet? [Y/N]```{}```'.format(message)) confirm = await'message', check=checks.confirm, timeout=10.0) if confirm and confirm.content.upper() == 'Y': tweet_link = self.live_tweet(message) channel =['channel']['twitter']) await channel.send(tweet_link) else: await ctx.send('`Tweet cancelled.`') @commands.command(name='tweets', aliases=['view-tweets']) @commands.cooldown(1, 30.0, commands.BucketType.user) @checks.is_registered() async def superstar_tweets(self, ctx, name, limit=1): """Displays the last tweets a Superstar has posted. .. note:: A 30 seconds timer is set to prevent spamming. :param ctx: The invocation context. :param name: The name of the `Superstar` to search for. :param limit: The amount of messages to get. Must be 1-5. Default is 1. """ user = DiscordUser( embed = None try: limit = 1 if limit < 1 else limit limit = 5 if limit > 5 else limit except Exception as e: logger.debug('superstar_tweets:{}'.format(e)) embed = quickembed.error( desc='Invalid `!tweets` command\n`!tweets [superstar]`', user=user ) if not embed: rows = user.search_superstar_by_name(name) if not rows: embed = quickembed.error( desc='Unable to find superstar `{}`'.format(name), user=user ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: superstar = Superstar(rows[0].id) if superstar.twitter_id: tweets = self.latest_tweets(superstar.twitter_id, limit) for tweet in tweets: await ctx.send( '{}'.format( ) else: embed = quickembed.error( desc='Unable to find Tweets for `{}`'.format(, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot): """Required for cogs. :param bot: The Discord bot. """ bot.add_cog(Twitter(bot))